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As we spend most of our time online, doesn’t it make more sense to move in on the growing trend of starting your own wedding website for your special day?  While with the older generation of relatives you can stick to the physical wedding invitation, a wedding website is a convenient and smart way to interact with your friends and younger relatives, leading up to the big day. It’s personal There are many free options to creating your very own wedding website which you can personalise as you wish. Choose

Invite the whole family, extended included, neighbours and acquaintances; this is the standard, especially when it comes to Sri Lankan weddings. However, globally more and more couples opt for smaller intimate weddings, with just the closest relatives and friends. In Sri Lanka too, this trend is slowly gaining momentum as more young couples embrace the benefits of ‘keeping it small’. If you and your partner are thinking of tying the knot soon, then the below listed benefits may help you decide why an intimate wedding would be a smart choice.

Even though your wedding day is a celebration of your love and commitment, preparing for it can become stressful. Even the most laidback of brides are bound to feel the slight twinge of stress here and there, even if not prone to all out-panic attacks. While avoiding pre-wedding stress completely may not be realistic the below steps can help to reduce the amount of stress you experience. Start planning early Seriously it is never too early to start. Do your research for the type of wedding the two of you

Honeymoon ideas to consider

Photography of Romantic Couple

If you are looking for some honeymoon inspo, then hopefully the below ideas will be of use. As the name indicates, this is the period after the wedding, where the two of you, get to relax and enjoy each other away from the all the stress of wedding planning you would have gone through. It is the time you unwind and solidify you couple goals and relationship. It is also where you will make memories that you will remember throughout life. Foodie honeymoons Are you a couple that bonds over

If there is something Sri Lanka has an abundance of, it is beaches. A beach wedding can be a romantic and memorable when planned right. Afterall, you have to remember that it will be an outdoor wedding, open to the elements even if you have a marquee and you will have to contend with the noise of the glorious ocean itself. However, with the proper planning you can have that perfect beautiful beach wedding. Pick your season When planning a beach wedding you will have to pick the season carefully.

Wedding gift lists are a smart way to ensure that you received presents that will be of actual use to you in your new life, as well as ensuring that your guests spend their money on something that you actually need and will appreciate. It helps avoids repetitive gifts or gifts that will just gather dust in some corner of your home until they can be recycled at another wedding or donated. Below are some ideas of items worth adding to your gift registry for a great start to your

Memories are your wedding photographs. True, we live in a digital era of smart phones and immediate pictures, but when you look back on your special day, nothing can replace the good old professional photographs. These photographs stand the test of time and tell the story of your special day, in detailed perfection. You owe it to yourself to ensure that this day is captured professionally. Below are some basic tips to keep in mind when searching for a wedding photographer. Use digital to your benefit You are lucky as

Planning your wedding registry is actually one of the most fun and fulfilling parts of planning your wedding. The gift list is something that is decided by just you and your partner and finalised based upon the future you two envisioned together. It is a bonding exercise that reminds you why you are getting married and that is so much more than just the one day, it is a life you will be creating together.  It builds excitement for the future while serving the practical purpose of ensuring you get