Four ways to help reduce pre-wedding stress

Outdoor Wedding Decorations

Even though your wedding day is a celebration of your love and commitment, preparing for it can become stressful. Even the most laidback of brides are bound to feel the slight twinge of stress here and there, even if not prone to all out-panic attacks. While avoiding pre-wedding stress completely may not be realistic the below steps can help to reduce the amount of stress you experience.

Start planning early

Seriously it is never too early to start. Do your research for the type of wedding the two of you are aiming for and then start working towards to finding the goods and services necessary to make it a reality. By staring early, you will be able to make use of deals and discounts as you have enough time to play around and bargain with. Early planning will ensure you secure the location of your choice, the caterers you want, the photographer and the band or DJ. No last minute disappointments, less stress.

Budget worries

This can be a major worry for both you and your partner. However, today more and more Sri Lankans are opting for more intimate weddings with just close family and friends. Opting for an intimate wedding can go a long way towards reducing your overall cost. Also, it is important to start planning early so that you can consider your best options and make informed decisions. Waiting for the last minute will mean that you have no bargaining power and will end up agreeing to whatever price or rate quoted. Start early and secure the services you need at a price that is within your budget so that you avoid unnecessary expenses.

Be decisive

This actually helps with keeping within your budget as well. It is hard when family and friends are involved but being decisive helps you avoid making any last minute (expensive) adjustments. Everyone has advice and while it is beneficial to take this advice into consideration, remember to set a time limit. Once you have made a decision, make it clear that no changes will be done and that the choice is final. The only ones allowed to consider changes after the deadline are you and your partner. Things such as the wording for your invitations should be agreed on and then finalised. It is too costly to make changes once sent to the printers.

Take some time away

Set a deadline by which all major decisions have to made, organised and executed. This way closer to the date it will leave you and your partner with some time away from planning stress. This may seem impossible, but you should understand that taking that breather helps you to relax and put things back in perspective. It is your special day and while every single arrangement may not be perfect, the commitment of love that you and your partner make with each other will be pure perfection. With that in mind let the magic of your marriage carry the day on.

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