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Wedding in Ceylon is an online resource for Wedding Planners not limited only to Sri Lanka. We build a bridge between Sri Lanka and many other overseas countries, giving world class interactive tools to plan their wedding in Sri Lanka from anywhere in the world.

We invite you to be a part of the team of service providers, who market their individual talents, skills and abilities. Our mission is quite simply to be the “THE NUMBER ONE WEDDING DIRECTORY in Asia”. We will guarantee that our world-class interactive tools, online advertising and other features promote your product and services to thousands of surfers all around the world. Wedding in Ceylon is not just a wedding site; we are the complete wedding resource for anyone planning a wedding in Sri Lanka.

No matter who you are! If you have what it takes to provide a service related to any aspect of wedding planning? We’ve got the spotlight for you!

What’s so difference in advertising in “Wedding in Ceylon”?

Well, it’s not just another website where you submit a small article about your products and services. It’s about owning your own search engine optimized web page, decorated with unlimited photos and video albums demonstrating the quality of your services! We know it takes the perfect balance of creativity, attention to detail and experience to come up with really fresh thinking. To make a great digital campaign we recruit some of the smartest brains in the industry. We give them knowledge, support and up to the minute tools so they can create big profits for our clients.